Stay Organized | In the New Year

Where did this year go? If you’re kicking yourself for not getting organized like you planned in 2014 it’s okay. There is always 2015. You can get a jump start on it now to be prepared to tackle the New Year.

Start by creating a list. Once you’ve written it down you can prioritize your list. It really doesn’t matter where you start but you can begin with what bothers you most or something small that you know you can tackle. You can even tackle that small task before the New Year. If it’s something that will take 15 – 60 minutes you can squeeze it in:

  • Go through your spices and get rid of those that have expired or those that you never use.
  • Go through your holiday wrapping paper and donate or discard any that you know you will not use.
  • Go through your old magazines and recycle or donate those over 2 months old.

Whatever it may be on your list, even with the hustle and bustle of the holidays you can take time to fit it in.

That’s one thing off your list!

Organizing may seem overwhelming but if you tackle one thing at a time you can get it done.

Start with your list and that will help you prepare to tackle it after the holidays!

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